Would you rock this style?

Which is your fav?

Where would you ever wear any of these outfits?  I am stomped.  I haven't a clue.chriselle_lim_viktor_rolf_spring_2016-1-3


Question:  Would you rock Burgundy for Spring?
I don't know about this color for spring.  I like the colors that remind you of spring flowers, bright, light and beautiful.  Typically, Burgundy is considered a fall color or maybe even winter.  What are  your thoughts on wearing it in Spring time?

Talk about dressing in layers.  Whew, on a hot day, I don't think I'd want to wear this many pieces at once and matched as such.  Would you wear it?

Tassles from you leggings/tights?  If you would rock this, what would you wear with it?

I sort of like the blouse and shoes but the shorts is not ideal.


  1. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Well now! the male's outfit is a bit flamingishhhhhhhhh. definitely NO No and No. Peaches MC Now the singles leggings I would sport it with a large over lay black top I would sport it. Peaches

  2. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Opps I meant to say shingles !


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