A staple in natural hair care community gone...smh.

I know many of you naturals have heard of a popular natural hair care product line named "Miss Jessies" that began in 2004.  But earlier operated a hair salon in 1997.  It seemed as though this product line has been a staple among the kinky, coily, curly textured communities because of its quality to nourish hair.  It saddens me to report that the  Washington Post stated that one of its founders Titi Branch, committed suicide at the age of 45 on December 4th.  For more details please read the  I want to express my heartfelt prayers and condolences to her family and friends.  Tiki is pictured below on the left of this photograph. 81775c4e85e02f7e4cdbcd8d9c65dee93206d87212877fb474

